Jay Lalezari

CD4 cell manipulation and reinfusion…will they make a difference in long term survival?

Very cool article on Matt’s CD4 cell manipulation and reinfusion Will this be a solution for people whose CD4 cells have remained low even after years of undectectable viral load? Are these “HIV resistant” CD4 cells functional in the long run? Well, Matt thinks his health has improved and he no longer has sinus infections […]

CD4 cell manipulation and reinfusion…will they make a difference in long term survival? Read More »

Interview with Man Who Got Cured of HIV

This link has a video of an interview with Tim Brown, the man who got cured of HIV (who I refer to as the “Berlin Patient”  in my article below). https://feedroom.businessweek.com/?fr_story=4a74617791423dc8652dd78d84817c27ba4045aa From TheBodypro.com Zinc Fingers and Gene Therapies for HIV: Mimicking the Cured Berlin Patient? By Nelson Vergel March 2, 2011 Jay Lalezari, M.D., from

Interview with Man Who Got Cured of HIV Read More »

Pipeline Problems by David Evans In the past month, two companies shelved their once-promising experimental HIV drugs, citing the challenging nature of bringing a profitable product to market. Has the overwhelming success of modern-day HIV drugs jeopardized the future of new HIV treatment options? Since Matt Sharp first learned that he was HIV positive in

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