Take Action! Tuesday, July 18, is National HIV Call-In Day!

We know we have asked you to do a lot over the last several months. You have faithfully called Congress time and again to tell them to #KillTheBill. We thank you! We know that you may be feeling fatigued. That is EXACTLY what the Republicans want to happen. We CANNOT let up. We CANNOT stop pushing. We must continue to RESIST if we are to #ProtectOurCare. With your help we will #KillTheBill once and for all! Please keep up the pressure this week and keep those calls to your Senators coming!





Join the National HIV Call-In Day Tuesday, July 18!

The new Senate bill is even worse than the last version. Your senators need to hear from everyone. Call 866-246-9371 to connect to your senators. You can tell them:

“My name is _____ and I live in [city, zip]. I’m a person [living with/concerned about] HIV and I’m calling to urge Senator ____ to reject the BCRA. The changes that have been made to the bill do not change the fact that it will slash Medicaid, allow discrimination against people with preexisting conditions and make insurance coverage more expensive and less comprehensive. We are counting on Senator ____ to stand up for his/her constituents and vote no on the BCRA!”

Want to do more?

· Organize a phone bank! Do you work or volunteer for an organization that provides services for or advocates for people who would be affected by the changes to health care? Have some friends and family who are also worried about the impending health care disaster? Use this toolkit to organize your own phone bank to #KillTheBill. Calls are particularly needed to the following senators:

o Targets most likely to vote no: Collins (ME), Heller (NV), Murkowski (AK), Capito (WV)

o Targets expressing reservations; could be persuaded: Flake (AZ); /McCain (AZ); Portman (OH)
Cassidy (LA);

o Targets unlikely to vote no in final vote, but could help stall: Cotton (AR); Boozman (AR); Gardner (CO); Young (IN); Grassley (IA); Ernst (IA); Rounds (SD); Hoeven (ND); Moran (KS); Graham (SC)
Corker (TN)

· Join the Occupy TrumpCare action in D.C. July 19! Email [email protected] to learn more.

· Visit Positive Women’s Network-USA #KillTheBill Resource page for the latest tools and talking points to support your advocacy.

Learn more!

· This editorial from the New York Times summarizes quite neatly why the revised bill is in many ways even worse than the last version.

· Here is more comprehensive detail on what is and is not in the new bill, as well as where key Senators may land on it.

· Find out where your Senators stand on the bill on this page, which is being updated in real time.