When You Have to Fire Your Doctor

Positively Aware July/August 2007
You’re Fired!
Changing your doctor

by Matt Sharp

Donald Trump’s irritating voice rang in my ears as I stormed home from one of the most humiliating experiences as a “patient” in my 20 years of receiving HIV care. The details of the situation are not as important as the light bulb that went off in my head to rectify the situation.

The light bulb told me it was time to fire my doctor! I asked myself, “Do I really want to go through the hassle of finding and transitioning to a new provider?” Everything was going okay until I realized that I may have been getting a little too cozy and comfortable with him. I also wasn’t getting the complete care I needed, but only casual and acute care. After a sleepless night, I finally came to the decision that the time was right for making a change, especially given that this particular ordeal was the catalyst for the termination of my doctor. Firing your doctor can be traumatic!

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