This new drug , first in the new integrase class, is now available via an expanded access program(EAP). If you have resistance to three drug classes, have your doctor fill out the form at the bottom on this page to request to be part of this EAP. Patients should not contact Merck for access.
You should start this drug with another drug to which your HIV virus has not developed resistance. Examples are Prezista, Fuzeon, Aptivus, etc, plus a background of nucleoside inhibitors (Viread, Ziagen, Epivir, Emtriva, etc)
TMC 125 , a non nuke also available via expanded access now from Tibotec, cannot be used right now with MRK 518 until Merck finishes interaction studies to see if it is OK to combine these two drugs. So far, it seems that MRK 518 plays well with other HIV and OI drugs with no dose adjustments due to interactions.