Anabolic steroids and HIV- are they safe?
Nandrolone can do this easily, as long as doctors have a very close monitoring on hematocrit since older men tend to have more problems with polycythemia
What is happening to Nandrolone??May 10, 2009hey NelsonI enjoyed your book Built to Survive. It really helped me to realize what nandrolone could do for my health and body shape. I have been using nandrolone for 10 years without side effects and I have been able to reshape my body after lipodystrophy. But now I …
World AIDS Day: Adverse Impact of Steroid Law and Steroid Hearings on Anabolic TherapiesPosted on 15:42 December 1st, 2008 by Millard Baker In recognition of World AIDS Day, we urge Congressional leaders in the United States to carefully consider the significant harm that morally-guided U.S. steroid policy has had for the life-saving therapeutic applications …
World AIDS Day: Adverse Impact of Steroid Law and Steroid Hearings on Anabolic Therapies Read More »
QUESTION FROM SOMEONE IN MY POZHEALTH AT YAHOOGROUPS.COM LIST: “I interpret this that once the current supply of the components tomake nandrolone are depleted, there will be no more access tonandrolone here in the US. Am I right or just the number ofcompounding pharmacies may continue to dwindle due to DEA pressures?Thanks everyone,Tom A” MY …
March 12, 2008 The Honorable Nancy PelosiSpeaker of the United State House of Representatives235 Cannon HOBWashington, DC 20515 Subject: Representative Henry Waxman’s Hearings on Steroids in Sports and the Impact on Treatments for HIV and other Medical Conditions Dear Madam Speaker: The hearings Representative Henry Waxman has been conducting with respect to steroids in sports …